How The Hell Do You Edit The Truth?

I’ve been working on a personal and extremely important mental health piece for nearly two months. As I was writing the end and editing the deeply personal parts, I felt stuck. I’m rarely ever stuck as a writer. I think the problem is, I’m trying to edit out the harshness and the absolute truth to protect someone, but does this person really require my protection? Do they actually deserve it? It’s not like I’m naming names. And yet, I somehow feel the need to show compassion towards someone who has caused so much damage; damage they aren’t even aware of or care about. I suppose that makes me the bigger person. Guess what? I’m not liking this role too much. 😦

People have NO IDEA how often I ponder a situation and think, “Hmm, what would Dexter do?” That’s my first thought at times when people do something unforgivable or something that makes me contemplate strangling them. Note to self: Must get a t-shirt with Michael C. Hall’s face on it. My more recent thought comes after “WWDD”, and is “What would Tommy Shelby do?” Two completely brilliant characters portrayed by incredibly gifted actors, neither of whom have probably ever had to use these references in their daily lives. Interestingly enough, there is not a female character anywhere who I feel embodies any aspect of my thought process, and it makes me a little sad, but there’s no crying over spilled coconut milk.

For me, writing is the ultimate expression of honesty. It is the “public face” of my brand in a myriad of ways, and yet, many readers probably pass me on the street and have no clue who I am. I have always been incredibly content with that knowledge. Do I want strangers approaching me on the street because they read my work? Not particularly, but I wouldn’t be rude to them if they did. However, I’m not about to splash my face all over anything anytime soon because I get judged enough for my face on a regular basis. I remember meeting people at different stages of my writing career and for one reason or another, people were always shocked when they met me for the first time. I don’t think I’ve ever said to someone, “Wow. You’re actually really pretty.” or “You have no idea how other people respond to your beauty.” My best friend at the time, Shay, we were such polar opposites, but in some respects she made me come out of my shell far more than some of my other friends. I’m a much more confident person than I was a year or even ten years ago, but with social media, I am still careful and cautious. Also, I hate when I have an image of someone in my head, and then they send me a picture or they post one, and they look NOTHING like my imagination, which is very image specific. I suspect imagery is often based on how people write or speak, initially, or maybe how you discover their heart.

Getting back on track; I still feel stuck with this piece. I want to be authentic to who I am and post it entirely as is, including the bitchy parts I wrote when I was angry and felt the need to REALLY let loose. I don’t want to edit it. I don’t want to cushion the horrible aspect of what happened and what is happening because that’s taking the truth out of it, and that’s not who I am.

I have never written a single false thing. If you were to skim through the fiction work I have done, you’d find stacks and stacks of truth woven into the two different bodies of work, and yet, only those closest to me will ever know who the characters are in real life.

Writers find inspiration in many different places, but for me, my attention to detail and how I observe others is probably the biggest part of why I do what I do with ease and humility. It drives people crazy that they can’t lie to me or pull one over on me, and I know it’s because they have no idea how I know the truth. They have no grasp of what their tells are, and what it tells me about their character.

The biggest issue for me, in what I am writing, boils down to honesty and having mine placed under question and attacked. Anyone who truly knows me knows I’m a terrible liar, so I don’t even bother. One of my best friends pointed out to me that I have never lied to her once in all the years we have been friends, and she knows this because she trusts me with things many people would not. She’s not a naive person, either. She just happens to be my best friend and someone who has known me a long time. If I was deceitful, dishonest, or a horrible person, these things would have surfaced long ago. She was frank when she said, “That’s not who you are. Don’t let people twist the narrative to make themselves feel better. You KNOW who you are.” That’s where I find comfort; in my friends knowing me for precisely who and what I am. In their knowledge that I’m always the same person, all across the board. They’re right. Being dishonest isn’t part of who I am. If anything, I am probably too honest, but I’m trying to work on my filter where certain people are concerned.

I am struggling with a lot right now, but having anyone question or attempt to test me as a person? Sorry, that isn’t up for debate because I absolutely know who I am, and no one gets to question it. Not even me.

And so, I’ll edit some of the harsher points, mostly to be a lady, but I’m not going to pretend. I’m not going to temper my feelings because they might hurt someone else’s feelings; someone who didn’t spare a moment of concern for me during a horrific time in my life. After all, I was NOT the one to attack their honesty or character.

There’s a reason my platform is named “Poison In Lethal Doses”. It’s an analogy for many things, but at the beginning and end of each day, it also covers ALL BASES. Let that be a lesson to those of you who think I’m not venomous. If you’re going to attack me, you’re going to get served. For now, we’ll pretend it’s a game of tennis. If I remember correctly, having been taught to play, you lost the second you attacked me. I will come out the other side; mostly because you don’t think I can achieve anything. That’s where you’re wrong.

copyright 2018 by Lisa Marino & Blackbird Serenity, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All written work may not be re-blogged or posted anywhere without express written consent from the author. This authors’ work and personal photos are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws. Additional protection is covered under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.


Tough Times Calls For All Kinds Of Things


While battling for proper diagnoses, finding the correct treatment method(s) is crucial to your overall well-being. For the better part of this year, I’ve had different people attempt to over-ride my intuition. I don’t like that. It is a surefire way to piss me off.

I don’t like being told what to do regarding my health, or anything else. It annoys me that I listened to their words and considered anything I was not completely committed to for even a minute. It upsets me that I didn’t fiercely hit back immediately with my thoughts on each subject. I, for some great, unknown reason, kept my mouth shut. Keeping my mouth shut is the polar opposite of who I am in almost all instances. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not known for biting my tongue.

Maybe it was the knowledge that I would have to move forward with someone new, and I need these people to maintain my medication, for now? I’m not sure, but that’s one solid reason to remain silent, even if you hate yourself in the process. I’m trying to survive in a bad situation and not come out any worse than I already am. I understand survival methods, we all do to some extent, but it’s not a good enough excuse for being silent.

Maybe I was hoping these physicians were “having a bad day” and didn’t actually mean me harm. However, that is precisely what occurred, and it’s not acceptable. No one should have to feel trapped in situations like this. I don’t like playing games. I don’t like the bullshit involved, and I like it even less when “healthcare professionals” are the ones slinging the shit. The people I am most receptive to are genuine. I can tell precisely who means well and who is merely repeating dialogue from some internal script. If you’re going to spout nonsense, I am not going to be receptive to it, or you.

When a doctor presents an option, it is genuinely okay to disagree with the methodology and/or their thought process. It is okay to have questions. You may be desperate as hell for pain relief (I am, but I have limits and boundaries, as should we all.), but you do not have to say “Yes.” when everything within you is saying/screaming “NO! Don’t do this. This is not the answer.” If other people have said “I’d like for you to try this.”, it is also okay to turn around and say, “You first. If you’re SO adamant for me to say something should be tried/done, then you go ahead of me. I want to see you cope with the pain I cope with and endure bullshit procedures and guinea pig testing.” You are not a “bad patient” for asking questions, for challenging the system, or for saying “No.” It is okay to decline medication you already know is not helpful. It is okay to ask a physician if you can try a previous treatment method that did help. Ultimately, if you are not being true to yourself, you have to put your foot down somewhere. I did. I decided that if my intuition was screaming at me not to do something, there was probably a reason for it.

What did I not do this summer? Trigger Point Injections. Why? For starters, intuition. My doctor never explained them to me when they were presented as an option, thus leaving me to be an educated patient and do the research solo, only to come away with a “What the fuck?!” moment as I counted the twenty-ish injection sites that would go into various areas in my neck and back. He only said “I’d like to try this to help relieve the tension in your neck.”, and that was the end of the discussion. He did, however, say to call if I had any questions, but subsequently I was handed an appointment and left the office beyond disheartened, and more than a little angry.

I went from being taken seriously to no longer being an “interesting patient”, so my feelings of anger and frustration are valid. That direct quote is in his notes from my first visit, “Thank you for this most interesting patient.” If I had a more established relationship with him, I might very well have kicked him (accidentally, on purpose) for how he treated me. Needless to say, this did not help foster trust moving forward. I do not think I will be returning to him. I am already discussing overriding my doctor’s office via the insurance company in order to get a second opinion. If you didn’t think you could do this, you can. Fact: Not all doctors are correct in their assessments.

Once I was fully educated on what the TPIs entailed, I called his office a week before my scheduled appointment and asked him to call me back. Minutes later, a nurse from the office called, asking if I “really needed to speak with the doctor or could she help me”. I wish you all could have seen my face in that moment, because it wasn’t a good one. I wanted to tell her something incredibly unkind, and in the future, I will not speak with minions. That’s a new rule I have chosen to implement. I’m tired of what I say being twisted and/or lost in translation.

Instead of actually listening to what I was saying and hearing me out, this nurse was rude, patronizing, disrespectful, and when I said I’d like to table the injections and go back to medication, I was told he wouldn’t prescribe it “because it’s an opioid.” You would think I had just asked for pure morphine to be injected into my veins daily the way she spoke to me. No, I asked for Ultram (that’s Tramadol, for those of you who have never heard of it.), which, having taken it in the past, I assure you is a safer form of pain relief. In all the years I was on it, never was I addicted, chasing a high, or doing anything irresponsible. If it could take my pain down from a high level to a tolerable three or four, that meant it was working. With this particular medication I was never asked to show identification when picking it up at the pharmacy, nor was it considered a “controlled substance”. I did not require a paper prescription when I needed a refill. It could easily be called into the pharmacy of my choice with no issue, and I never caught drama when I picked it up each month. I only had to see my doctor once or twice a year to discuss my progress. Apparently, it is now a scheduled drug. I did not know this because I don’t spend my days perusing lists of controlled substances. In order to be approved to take it, I was told I’d have to sign a “pain contract” and come in monthly (I assume for more drug testing. I’ve actually spoken with my insurance company about how often they are abusing lab work because of this methodology. Unless a physician is suspicious of you not being honest about illicit drug use, there is no need to screen them every single time they come into the office. That is thousands of dollars being billed for no reason.). However, when my doctor called me back he said, since he cannot find the source of my pain, that injections are all he can offer me at this time. He said he was not comfortable prescribing medication to me “since he cannot find a pain source”. He was open to discussing things further, but said he understood my hesitation regarding the injections. I have not called him back because I am legitimately angry that finding the source of the pain I suffer from daily was something he was not interested in doing. Why do people become doctors? I’ve met at least a dozen waitresses who were far superior at “helping people” than the average doctor. I was mortified to learn he will be presenting at the International Pain Summit in Boston this Fall.

As a result, I am not going to allow myself to be dictated to any longer. I am researching high quality CBD oils and plan on ordering one as soon as possible in my attempt to find some natural pain relief. It’s not a cure, but it’s a direction. I don’t want to be under the care of someone who does not look deeper for a patient and who denounces my pain as something that can be fixed via Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and/or Biofeedback. These things might work for some people, and good for them if it helps, but I can only deal with one set of issues at a time and CBT is not on the list of “how Lisa would like to spend her time”. I have so many issues to deal with and if I can’t dedicate 100% of myself, then it’s a highly pointless option. I will keep pushing to find out the source of my pain, because if my neck is miraculously “healed” (despite the arthritis diagnosis), yet feels like someone is jamming hot pokers into it 24/7, and my shoulder blades feel like they’re going to find a way to spontaneously detach themselves from my body on a constant basis, then clearly something is wrong SOMEWHERE and it needs to be located. I just have to find the right doctor who is willing to help.

I had to argue to get x-rays approved. I had to fight to get an MRI approved, and now, I have to fight to get doctors to take my pain seriously. I’m sick of it. I am sick of their attitudes, insinuations, accusations, ignorance, and judgment. Last time I checked, that’s not how any physician should behave. I have all the “patients’ rights” pamphlets telling me I am “entitled to have my pain taken seriously and I’m entitled to have it properly medicated and treated.” This statement is in every office I go to, and yet, I feel like my doctor tossed me out on the street for refusing the injections. That isn’t far from the truth, either, because, while under the guise of being a “spine specialist”, he is actually an anesthesiologist. He might have a sub-specialty, but overall, injections are his main goal. So while he was impressed by my bones and their anti-aging quality (I was completely dumbfounded over that. I suppose the bones match the face that is still carded for cough medicine.), the only option he is choosing to offer is injections. A friend told me I should be offered anything and everything at his disposal; not just injections and nothing else. She was horrified, and that added to my disgust.

Someone actually said to me, “If you’re truly in pain, you’ll try anything.” First of all, fuck you. Second of all, needles into and around my spine are not the answer. It’s actually quite dangerous. How is anesthesia, that will wear off within an hour or two, the healthier alternative? Who the hell wants to have injections performed every two weeks? Initially, he told me they’d last “up to eight weeks”. I spoke with people who have tried this particular route and they all told me I did the right thing by saying no. They proceeded to share their stories, most of which centered around the fact that they received zero pain relief from these injections. Many people told me it caused their body to flare-up, and left them down and unable to move much for weeks following the injections. Some people kept this routine up for YEARS, some for over a decade, all in the hopes that one day, it would help. In my mind, this is abuse of power at pain management centers. They push injections and refuse you pain medication unless they exhaust all other options first. I find it incredibly irresponsible.

I can’t see into the brains, necks, or spines of neurology/neurosurgical patients, but I know when I go to my doctors’ office and the place is PACKED (as in, with all the seating they have, and there’s a lot, sometimes you have to stand in the hallway or take a walk and come back.), people are not there because they enjoy it. Each one is seeking answers. Many people are there for a post-op appointment, for medication changes, follow-ups, or something far more severe, as there are many Multiple Sclerosis patients that come into the office. My heart breaks for each of them, because I understand. I see their faces, I look into their eyes, and I see their pain and can feel it in the air. I’m there for migraines, and you’d never know it because apparently I don’t walk around looking like a migraine patient (Let’s not get me started on #MigrainePose because that will, inevitably, be a separate conversation all by its lonesome. I am sure many of you have seen my posts clapping back against it on various social media outlets. I have NOT been shy about my feelings.). I have no clue what a migraine patient is supposed to look like, but I have zero tolerance for being judged based solely on my face. It’s tiresome, and yet, it happens all the time. My primary care doctor, without discussing my health issues with me, wrote a letter and declared me “perfectly healthy”. The woman has only met with me twice. A responsible doctor would have called me and asked what’s going on with my health, or made time to see me. Having anyone declare me “perfectly healthy” is incredibly disturbing, and it reinforces why I need a new doctor. She may be great if you only see her once a year, but G-d help you if you’re a complicated patient. The reviews I plan to write on every medical website she’s listed on should spread like wildfire from here back to where she went to medical school in Spain! That’s the current level of my wrath.

Like many people, there are certain levels of pain I can block out. It’s something we all learn to do over time, but once I reach my boiling point, there’s no way I can look or behave “normally”, whatever the hell that means. I have had to discretely take medication for the beginning of a migraine in public so many times, I have lost count. I’ve had friends and family say they had no idea I was taking medication at all because I didn’t discuss it. I never realized I tend to open a bottle inside my purse, take out what I need, and quickly take the medication, without a discussion about whatever it is I am taking at any given moment. Could be Aleve, could be a muscle relaxer, could be a beta-blocker, one never knows. Sometimes I excuse myself and take medication in private. People often assume I am not in any pain because I “look just fine”. Looks can be deceiving. I was recently told “You look great!”, and I simply didn’t view it as a compliment. Anyone who says those things, without thinking about how I will react to being told I “look just fine” or “look great” are the people who aren’t with me at 4:30 in the morning when I cannot sleep and I desperately want the pain to end. They’re not by my side during the never-ending days when every solitary sound is like a jackhammer to my skull, or feels like a train is using my head as its personal tunnel. They aren’t with me when my physical pain tolerance makes getting out of bed torturous. They’re not with me when I have to crawl from my bed to the bathroom, wanting to cry from how awful it is to attempt movement. They’re not with me when I am on day five of a flare-up that has cost me days of my life, time that should have been spent focused on other things. Leave it to some of the more callous people in my life to make remarks and make me feel bad about my limitations. Fact: It is NOT okay to tell someone one thing and then turn around and belittle and/or threaten them. It is NOT okay to denounce my suffering and pretend I am not going through hell simply because you’ve had a bad day and I’m the only target in sight for your rage. I might not always voice it, but this is a battle and it is a difficult one. And it REALLY isn’t right to have someone tell you “It’s good that they dropped the dose of your medicine. You don’t want to be on that stuff for the rest of your life. It’s like handcuffs.” One, I didn’t ask for this person’s opinion and two, that’s THEIR issue, it is not mine.

I would not take medication of any sort unless it was medically necessary. When medication is cut by 50% without a physician making sure that’s a safe thing to do, that is called medical malpractice. I am actively seeking out information regarding my rights because I cannot allow this to slide. To recently learn that this doctor chose to go behind my back and say there’s nothing wrong with me, and use the phrase “perfectly healthy” nearly sent me into a rage of mass proportions. My chart clearly states my diagnoses. The first three are severe. For her to actually write a letter and say “There’s nothing wrong with this patient.” is exceptionally low. Even now, still experiencing symptoms of stroke and seizures, worrying that my heart or kidneys will go into failure, I MUST advocate for myself and for anyone else this particular doctor might harm. If you’re going to take the Hippocratic Oath, you had better know what the hell you’re doing with a patient’s life.

The shining light in all of this was running into one of my former doctors while I was in a medical building at the end of June. It was one of those moments where you know it happened for a reason. I do not believe in coincidences. We crossed paths and it was an incredibly symbolic moment I did not expect to happen. It’s not often someone is genuinely happy to see me, but he was, and it was touching to me because I don’t ever assume people will remember me. We talked for a few minutes and, to make a long story short, he pulled some strings and got me in where he currently works, so he is officially my doctor once again. Without his help, I spent eight months jumping through hoops like a tiger in a circus act. In less than two weeks, he handled the situation and kept his word. I couldn’t be more grateful. The statue in his honor might have to be built sooner rather than later. 😉

I am still trying to figure out how I feel about being his patient again, aside from “safe”. I thought, maybe, it was taking the safe route, and/or, maybe taking a huge step back, but ultimately I feel like this was meant to be. I even discussed this with him and he understood my perspective.

When someone actually cares about their patients, devotes time to them, knows how to pick up a phone and return a call, and is the same person in and out of the office (He did NOT have to pull strings for me, nor did he have to stop and chat on his own time. I’m insanely grateful for what he did, and he knows it.), it reinforces my respect. I am not comfortable with the status quo of the medical community at large. I only like and respect TWO doctors out of all the people who are supposed to be treating me. These two physicians know how to listen. They don’t interrupt me. They are focused, which is incredibly helpful to me because right now, my focus is shot to shit. I have the attention span of a gnat, and that’s the opposite of how I am in my daily life. I respect a doctor who discusses my treatment plan with me, as opposed to issuing down a command/ultimatum. After all, I’m the patient and it’s my body and mind we’re talking about. If a physician isn’t involving you in your treatment plan(s), that’s a HUGE red flag.

I refuse to sit and be afraid to speak up, speak out, and/or confront a doctor. After an appointment in July, the medication issue, and finding out about this letter, I am left with the disconcerting task of confronting my Internist. I don’t know if she was thrown under the bus by another doctor and the medical director of her office (I wouldn’t be shocked if she was, but the letter she wrote pretty much sealed her fate with me.), or if she truly “went rogue”, as they claimed. Regardless, she did something dangerous and stupid, and risked my health in such a way that I had to contact another doctor and move an appointment up because I knew I wasn’t okay, and I didn’t think waiting was an option. I left the doctor a message and he personally called me back and gave me three different time-slots he had available (Yes, the doctor I ran into.). When a doctor says “If you called me from the parking lot, I would still make time to see you.”, that’s important, because so many are booked up months in advance and would happily hand your care over to a physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner. I agreed to see my Internist’s NP, but after going over her words and actions, especially as I waited for serious test results and only got someone to call me back after two plus weeks of calling the office, I am not pleased with the care I am receiving. It took all that additional time to finally get a referral to a rheumatologist, due to my test results which clearly shows inflammation within the body, and to receive an optometry referral. It took them nearly two full months to send me a letter and let me know that the eye tests I had done were negative. I knew this constant lapse in care was becoming normal when the nurse I spoke with said “They didn’t call you? They didn’t send a letter?”, after my umpteenth call regarding my inflammatory panels, and she sounded incredibly annoyed that neither had been done, because “that’s proper protocol”. I talk to this woman often enough that she knows me by name and is always sweet and kind to me. She promised me I’d receive a call by the end of the business day. It took an additional four days for this to be cleared up. And sadly, the nurse I spoke with was shocked, again, that I know how to read the results of complicated blood work. I kept calling to ensure I’d get the referral, I didn’t need her to clarify anything beyond that.

When you go into this particular office there are countless numbers of people back there. It’s not like they don’t have extensive staff on site. So someplace, somewhere, the ball has been dropped and is probably close to the Earth’s core by now. But as a patient, it’s not MY job to be making a million phone calls to get a fifteen second voice mail message in response and have them log that into the system as a returned phone call. My insurance company warned me back in March that I would probably spend this first year holding doctors accountable and making a lot of phone calls, but the fact that I also got a case manager to assist me during all of this insanity is, possibly, the reason my doctor is pulling some of this crap.

Doctors are abusing their power as they see fit. They are abandoning their patients as they see fit. They are, without question, DOING HARM. It falls upon the strong, the smart, and the fearless to stand up for patient rights and speak out about the shady shit doctors are doing, under the guise of following procedure. If you can’t find something in your medical records, especially since everything is online these days, something that has apparently been said, or you were not privy to a conversation or decision, or, like me, a letter, SPEAK NOW. Call your insurance company and file an internal grievance. Know your rights. Follow your intuition. Make sure medical decisions fully involve you, the patient, and if they don’t, and you don’t feel comfortable with something or someone, make your voice heard. Because if you don’t, they win.

I have affiliated myself with 50 State Network to advocate within the state of Massachusetts, and beyond. I strongly suspect it will inevitably become more. When people hear me speak in public, they are blown away. I generally don’t think much about it. I could be in front of twenty people or twenty thousand, and I would still speak the same way. I will still be strong, articulate, witty, sarcastic, and real. I make direct eye contact that tends to make people uncomfortable, but for me, it’s all about being heard.

As an advocate, I will be having discussions with politicians all across the board to make sure pain patients and people with invisible illnesses have a strong voice supporting their needs. If you knew how much I despise politicians, you would all send me gift baskets now, and lots of Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap (Peppermint, Lavender, and Almond are my faves.) because I will need to shower four times a day to keep away the reptile reaction I have when surrounded by politicians, many of whom are lawyers. All jokes aside, I am nothing if not a powerful voice and I’m not afraid to use it. This is a healthy outlet and it motivates me to do something I would never have chosen to do on my own. For the handful of people who encouraged this, supported it, and told me I could do it, I thank each of you. It’s amazing, sometimes, how people get to know you and immediately see a pillar of strength, instead of someone who is still, after all this time, searching, hoping, praying, and trying to remain positive, even when her head is full of negative thoughts much of the time.

I have been living in so much darkness, struggling daily for every movement, for cohesive thoughts, for the real me to shine through at all times. I do not like failing at anything. When people compliment me or commend me for a job well done, I stare at them in disbelief. For someone who is not a Type A personality, I am always taken aback by compliments or any positive recognition. In essence, it’s sad, but on the flip side, I realize it means I’m not egotistical. Hooray for the bulldogs! (If you got that reference, I hope it made you laugh.)

The remainder of the year into next (Believe it or not, I actually have a doctor’s appointment on New Year’s Eve. It was the only available appointment for 2018. I was mortified, and I still might go to someone else, as opposed to yet another person affiliated with my “doctor” and her office. It’s not like this person is the only optometrist in the state that takes my insurance!) is going to involve a lot of doctor’s appointments, and several treatments/in-office procedures, few of which I can say I am looking forward to. These are not fun experiences.

I feel terrible, guilty, ashamed, and much like a failure for not being able to write as often as I once did. I’ve watched my numbers slip dramatically this past year and a half, and I feel like I am letting my readers down in some way. I apologize. I feel grateful that many of you have followed me on Instagram and get a sharper glimpse of me as a person on a daily basis, and I am incredibly lucky to call many of you my friends in real life. That means so much to me, especially when I have bad days, which is mostly every day, and can’t focus on my intended goals.

I never dreamed or imagined I could ever, or would ever, be sick like this, permanently, and lose out on amazing opportunities, but most of all, lose out on my life. I’ve suffered for so long, I don’t even know what a normal life looks like anymore. I say that not to gain attention, sympathy, or garner pity, but to share my feelings.

I remember, at the very beginning of all of this, when my mother confessed to a friend that everything she had hoped, dreamed, imagined, and wanted for me was being taken away. It was very early at that time, I didn’t even have the additional diagnosis of Fibromyalgia hanging over me, but I felt so hurt; overhearing how my being sick was somehow this huge disappointment; for her. I felt incredibly betrayed by what she was saying. Eventually, I tried to convey how much I didn’t want the things she was talking about, but inevitably, I decided those dreams would have to skip over me and land on the next generation.

Here I am, all these years later, still sick, my mother has been gone slightly over ten years, and I simply don’t know if there will be a “next generation”. I have a pain in the ass relative who is overly obsessed with my ovaries (I could not make this up if I tried.), constantly sending me articles about how I need to “get a move on”. Coming from someone who does not want children and eschews marriage, I find it incredibly despicable for her to be shoving this crap down my throat on a semi-regular basis. I have kept my mouth shut every single time she’s pushed and pushed at me, and I swear it’s the miles between us, and nothing else, which keeps me from strangling her to death. She does not seem to realize it is hurtful and insulting. She does not seem to understand that I have boundaries. She simply thinks everything is open for discussion, at any time, simply because it’s what she wants to discuss. I can’t help but find it rude and degrading. I’ve talked about it with a few other women and each one agreed that it was disrespectful, rude, and unnecessary, not to mention heartless as hell.

A few months ago, I had the sweetest lady tell me I am going to be an amazing wife and mother. She raved about how smart, talented, and pretty I am. She had just met me, but she gave me the same level of comfort as though my own Grandmother was speaking. It made me cry that day, and it’s making me cry again now.

Sometimes, a stranger sees us with more clarity than we could ever hope to see with our own eyes. And some days, you have to know in your heart that you were put in a person’s path for a reason. Not because you needed to hear things you already know, but because you needed to hear someone else say it with conviction.

I don’t think people understand exactly how invisible illnesses, especially those that reach a chronic stage, are incredibly isolating. At first, it’s friends and family, people you thought would stand by you no matter what, and suddenly, you can be in a place with over 30,000 people around you, and still feel like no else in the world is present. You still feel like a solitary creature. You still feel every ugly thought and feeling rise to the surface, your pain edged against every part of you like the worst kind of knife, even as you’re smiling and enjoying an amazing experience. A lot of people tell me they always say “I’m okay.”, because they don’t want to be perceived as complaining. I NEVER say I’m okay. My first instinct isn’t to lie or reply the way the majority of the world does. You could be a Barista taking my coffee order and if you ask how I’m doing, I won’t give you a boiler-plate response. I know this jolts people, but for me, it’s important not to be dishonest. A lot of people don’t understand this practice, and that’s okay. They aren’t me and they don’t have to live with my thoughts.

Authenticity and honesty are crucial to me, and even more crucial to how I live my life. Anytime either is placed into question, whether the person knows me or not, it is the quickest way to get me to go from zero to bitch in less than a second. There’s no dialing it down or attempting to pull back once an accusation is made because I immediately see red. If you know me, you know I don’t wear the color red. Occasionally I’ll wear a shade of red nail polish or a red lip color, but it’s so infrequent that it’s not usually an indicator of anything. But if I walk into a room wearing a red shirt; that’s not a good sign. Almost everything I own is a shade of blue, grey/silver, black, white, or purple. It took me years to realize my color choices are intentional. They are likely indicative of my aura color, but they’re also the colors I am most drawn to in all things. Red is a warning, and it’s something I’ve become highly aware of over the past six years. An old friend once told me I’m “really aggressive” when I walk into a room wearing red and black. Overall, at this stage any way, I’d say I’m “really aggressive” if you cross a boundary with me or I don’t trust you. I don’t believe in offering blind faith.

So as I sit here in excruciating pain, unable to sleep, filled with doubt and worry, sick to death from stress, dealing with a brutal migraine, I hope with my whole heart someplace, somewhere, someone is looking out for me and looking over me. I’m following my intuition and trying to allow it to guide me, but some days are a hell of a lot harder than others. 😦

Am I okay? No. Maybe someday, my answer will be different.

(If you need me, I’ll be at my doctor’s office. Pretty soon they’re going to have to engrave my name on one of the chairs. When a woman schedules a doctor’s appointment on her birthday, that’s a testament to how bad she’s doing. Thankfully, I’m in good hands.)

copyright © 2018 by Lisa Marino & Blackbird Serenity, LLC. Further protected under the Digital Millennium copyright act. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


The Well-Placed Word


Not that long ago, what I can only presume is an “older gentleman”, and by “older”, I mean over fifty, but probably closer to seventy, sent me a private message on Facebook to complain about my use of a word. I remember reading the message and thinking “Are you for real?” Initially I ignored it, until I decided to reply and set him straight.

As a writer, and especially with something like this platform, I don’t feel I have to edit myself or dumb myself down. In fact, I transitioned to this platform from another one that is still “active”, because I felt like I was neutering myself there and wasn’t fully being the outspoken person I always am. I needed to remind myself how I started out and how I have grown, but not changed my voice and how I use it.

I have come to resent myself whenever I am not 100% me, especially when someone turns to me and gives me any type of “warning” about how vocal I am or how they would like for me to “behave”. I’m not a child or a trained dog, so that kind of behavior, when directed at me, is a quick way to get yourself on my shit list. I revel in authenticity. You cannot ask me to me something I’m not; because the results will be negative.

The word this man took such issue with is one I did edit, slightly. Instead of using the word I wanted to use, I said “effing”. If that offends someone, that is a sad state of affairs to me because that’s pretty clean in my eyes. I couldn’t get more “clean” with that specific word, either. Perhaps I should have used symbols, instead? I know lots of us use this word in our daily lives because no one is perfect and it’s probably an overused word in many instances. I’ve never counted, but I’m sure I use it daily.

I remember consciously making the decision to use it in that “edited” way so as not to offend anyone. And yet, I get someone who is offended by it. Big surprise. He somehow felt the need to inform me that I shouldn’t use it in connection with God on a public forum. I love it when people think they’re lecturing me. <rolls eyes>

“I don’t mean to come off judgmental…” Really? How did you expect to come off? When surfing Facebook or the Internet at large, I am certain we probably all come across things we don’t like, or things that affect us in a negative way. You have the right to engage or scroll on. Hell, you can walk away from your phone, computer, tablet, etc., and disengage entirely.  I will usually scroll on if something isn’t worth my effort because unless I know someone, what’s the point of engaging? Would I engage with a stranger on the street who said something stupid? It depends on the situation, obviously, but for the most part the answer is “No, I would not.” I’m not that nice, or approachable.

As a result of this person’s comment, I ended it with respectful wishes for the upcoming holiday (Passover) and left it there. I’ll probably have to block him if this comes up again, lest I offend his delicate sensibilities with my honesty and directness regarding Israel, Judaism, or perhaps the placement of the sun in the sky.

When something is titled “Poison In Lethal Doses”, you can come to expect certain things from me, since I’m the one producing the written content. Anyone who has read my bio can probably figure out that I’m a “take no prisoners” kind of chick. From day one, the way I have conducted myself as a writer is the reason I have received respect, not to mention a widespread audience. There are Harvard educated doctors who read my work (Yeah, it shocks me, too.). If they’re not offended by the occasional use of profanity to make a point, I’m good with that. This is definitely not the place for anyone who is sheltered or buttoned-up so tightly that an edited word bothers them.

Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve ever had someone approach me in ANY way during the course of my career and tell me that one word I used bothered them. I think I’ve maybe offended one other person with my “brazen authenticity”, but for the most part, people either like me or they don’t. I can’t control how I affect others. I’ve mellowed over the years (sort of-ish) and curse a lot less than I once did, so I found myself staring at this message for a while, pondering how to handle it. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have replied in such a polite fashion, but I was incredibly polite. I let him know, in no uncertain terms, that HE contacted ME, and that if someone takes issue with a word I use, the issue lies with them, not with me. I’m not so sheltered that people have to curb their words with me. I’d be more concerned with the tone of voice you use, because that’s something I am more inclined to get in someone’s face about.

On the Internet, unless you’re on YouTube, you can’t really pick up on tone from people you don’t know. I have relatives who I communicate with who I am positive do not pick up on my tones when we speak. If they did, they’d stop talking. I have several tones that are “warning tones”. My voice drops several octaves and my responses become icy, or short. A lot of my text messages are “warning tones” because I’m probably pissed off at the other person for being nosy, presumptive, rude, disrespectful, hurtful, etc. I don’t always pursue my anger towards someone if I know how it will be received. It’s not an easy choice to make, but it’s knowing who and what to argue about. If someone keeps talking or texting through the “warning tone”, I do not feel sorry for them when they inevitably incur my wrath.

I have many different tones to how I speak and express myself. There’s my “dry tone”, which is all about timing. In my family, we refer to it as my “dry, British humor”. It’s my Judi Dench tone, along with the accompanying expression, and sometimes I throw in the accent for good measure. It can be delivered in a myriad of ways. There’s my “funny tone”, my “sarcastic tone” which are also, all about timing and delivery. What I find interesting is how people who know me well are never entirely sure which tone is which. Whereas my brother KNOWS if I’m being a smart ass or just being me. He knows my “warning tones” because he will often remind me, when I use them, that stabbing someone with a fork is illegal. He can even pick up on it in a text message. He gets me, even though he often pretends not to.

Nine times out of ten, I get accused of being sarcastic when I’m simply stating the obvious. That’s when you know, for sure, that a person is making an assumption. Don’t make assumptions via text message, because you’re probably wrong. I simply don’t have time in my day-to-day life to use a “tone” via text. Unless you’re an absolute moron, I’m probably just stating facts. No one said I’m not rolling my eyes while swiping my reply. I might be, but the other person can’t see me and that’s probably a good thing, though I wouldn’t shy away from rolling my eyes at them if they were in front of me. I’m not two-faced.

My daily vernacular is a combination of varying expressions, both in English and other languages, along with wit and measures of sarcasm and honesty. In certain situations, I dial myself down approximately five to ten percent, because I have to filter myself with the other person. I don’t like being unable to fully be myself, but sometimes it’s a necessary evil.

A family member pushed my buttons last winter. After giving them ample time to “get over themselves” and apologize, they continued to treat me like shit and be rude and dismissive. Publicly, they behaved like nothing had occurred. Because this person married into my family, I have to shield my actual blood relative from the incident, and my subsequent feelings. But first, I wanted to verify if the behavior was normal, so I asked this person’s sibling, with whom I am equally close to, if this was normal. They told me “That hasn’t been my experience.” and proceeded to ask if I had said something offensive or hurtful, leading the person to respond negatively to me. I had done no such thing, and I found the question borderline absurd. They quickly dismissed the subject after I replied that I’d done nothing but be nice and kind, and went back to talking about themselves (Yeah, that’s my family. I wonder if group rates are offered in family therapy…). I have now spent over a year shielding this family member from my true feelings. Someone I respect said “Well, you’re keeping the peace because you don’t want to lose another friend.” I stared at him blankly, because he clearly forgot who he was talking to when he said that. “Keeping the peace” isn’t how I do things. That’s “people pleasing” behavior, and I REFUSE to do it.

Since the initial incident, I have tried my best to be polite to this person, but I’m sure I’m failing miserably. My concerted effort has clearly not been well-received because even after sending this person a birthday card, something I did NOT have to do, I’ve continued to be treated as a threat. However, I have to be honest with myself about how I feel. I cannot be fake.

Fast-forward to last week, when I received a text message inviting me for Passover. Normally I am invited at the last-minute each year to most holiday occasions, and while I consider the invitation supremely kind and genuine, it’s the last thing in the world I want to reply to. I’m not known for my diplomacy. I know I can’t say what I truly want to say in response, so naturally, that upsets me.

On pretty much any given day, the last thing I want to do is sit in a room with a group of people I don’t know and pretend to be interested in forced, polite chit-chat. It’s not who I am. Food is of zero interest to me, and people I’ve never met before rank up the list, too. I appreciate the invitation, but there’s no polite way to say “I’d rather remove my eyes with a melon baller.” On top of my very real feelings, there is always my health to consider. I try to be around as few people as possible with uncontrollable chronic migraines and all the other health issues I am currently trying to navigate. I just took my last round of antibiotics this morning, and I don’t even know if they helped, which is worrisome.

Chronic illness makes me unreliable for many events, especially anything short notice. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to heavily caffeinate in order to go to a doctor’s appointment or something else I committed to in advance. Inside, I feel like the biggest mess on the planet, but on the outside I don’t think people ever notice that something isn’t right. After all, the majority of people are only looking for visual clues. They’re not going deeper.

I ended up sending a very polite text reply to the invite last night. I was downright polite and borderline diplomatic (for me), but I didn’t get into any detail as to why I could not attend. If I’d been asked, that would have been a problem, but I wasn’t. Instead, I was told I am welcome anytime. I know it was genuine, so I was genuine in turn. I’m good with large crowds of strangers when I’m speaking in public or have a commitment, but there are still times when I will say no to such things.

This year, I need to spend the holiday focusing on my health, and giving myself a short break from all the craziness because I’m really suffering in terms of quality sleep. My body needs rest in the worst way. 😦 I won’t make any appointments those first few days (March 31st might have been a good day to get my MRI out of the way, but I’d feel bad doing it on a holiday.), but I do have things that I will need to get squared away during the following week.

Words are important in society. It’s how we communicate, because not everyone responds to non-verbal cues. I find that the well-placed word is crucial. It can be the difference between “keeping the peace”, should you enjoy the route, or starting a fight, but it can also be the difference between complimenting someone and making their day or going through life as an extremely unpleasant person. Each day, we make choices with our words.

No matter how you choose, I’ll be over here, maintaining my authenticity as a “Speaker Of Powerful Words”. 🙂

copyright © 2018 Lisa Marino & Blackbird Serenity, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Lethal Poison And The Scorpion


The title sounds slightly gruesome (I’m a writer who, up until a few weeks ago, was researching serial killers. Leave me alone, okay? LOL.), but it is merely a reference for people who’ve known me my entire career, or at the very least, a good enough chunk of it, and know what to expect from me.

It seems like only yesterday when I was first given the idea to write something immensely simple. After that, it was as if I’d been plugged in to something unique and special, and I certainly was. Back then, I didn’t know what it was precisely, or where it would lead, but the path less traveled has been both good, and not so good, to me.

A lot of people ask themselves “When do I get to call myself a writer?” or “When am I officially a writer?” First and foremost; there are many different types of writers. Some people write music, poetry, movie scripts. Some write books, plays, or simply share their thoughts in a creative way. When you do it and can’t stop doing it because you are driven by a genuine need to share your thoughts and acquire feedback, good or bad, then you, my friend, are a writer.

Don’t get me wrong, though. It’s important not to twist things; plenty of people “write” and aren’t true writers. It’s a fact. Many are published authors who I will not call out by name, but nevertheless, they’ve hit a lucky strike at the end of a rainbow because there is zero talent to what they’re doing. It’s published gibberish that would make any true writer cringe. I spend more days cringing when work is submitted to me for editing than I do enjoying the work of another writer. Sad, but true. Sometimes, no matter how strongly you guide someone, they simply cannot be a gifted storyteller. There’s no shame in that. I believe it is inherently within a person, or not. It is not something I will ever feel is taught.

Some people come at you, as a “writer”, from a different angle. Satire, humor, playfulness, honesty, anger. The list is never-ending. Choose an emotion and/or a genre and I assure you; someone, somewhere, is writing about it.

I’m told we all have our “gifts”, our niche, in life, and that it is through exploration and exploration alone that we stumble upon said gifts. But there are many people who are lucky; achieving a measure of success through connections, as opposed to genuine talent. Then there are those who are born with immense gifts they’re simply waiting to share with the world, gifts they are, too often, not aware of.

If my gift with the written and spoken word had not been encouraged, supported, applauded, then I might be doing something boring at this very moment; something I loathe with every fiber of my being.

I know far too many people who’ve been in the same job for twenty, thirty, or forty years and absolutely HATE what they do. I have my moments. I’ve never hesitated to discuss them openly and honestly, but my gift? No, I don’t regret it; not any of them.

I’ve spent the majority of my life being put down, shunned, laughed at, and/or insulted for being creatively talented, as opposed to a “follow the rules” type. I would rather live an authentic life, as opposed to one chosen for me by others. I would rather pick and choose my wealth of knowledge, as opposed to doing what is “expected”. That is precisely how one masters the art of being gifted with a talent.

I speak the way I write. I live the way I write. It’s one of the reasons people like and respect me. It’s one of the reasons I get feedback that doesn’t require anyone kissing my ass telling me how great I am. I don’t walk around trying to be anything I am not. In turn, I feel it helps the words be more clear for others. Because it’s honest; it’s easy to relate. I’ve had many people tell me when they could not relate to something I wrote or said, but they still respected the hell out of me for putting my thoughts out into the universe so boldly. I never looked at it the way they did, not until receiving that level of feedback. I was simply writing, and they were reading with their senses fully engaged. I call that mutual respect.

Several years ago I started shutting down certain aspects of myself that I was told were “wrong” or “needed work”. It turns out the people whispering lies in my ears were wrong. Very wrong. The only time I need to work on something is when I choose to work on it, and only then. I am fully entitled to my feelings, thoughts, unique point of view, and even more entitled to live my truth. It is more important to me to tell the true stories than it is for me to pretend.

Whispering lies to someone is a form of manipulative abuse. It’s a way of telling someone they’re not good enough in YOUR eyes, usually because YOU don’t like certain attributes they possess. Often because it makes you uncomfortable, or because you’re jealous you don’t possess the same level of strength. I’ve had people tell me they could NEVER be the kind of friend I am to others, and then turn around and tell me my friends wouldn’t love me if they had to live with me. That came from a former best friend, and it came from a place of jealousy because she couldn’t even be a solid best friend to ONE person, leave alone multiple people. She did not understand how crucial being a good friend is to the core of who I am, and so, a friendship I thought would always be present is a friendship no longer. Her choice. Her immense loss.

Most people don’t think I’m funny, which is perfectly okay. My friends and my brother find me HILARIOUS, and that’s because they get me. I don’t care if other people lack the ability to grasp my humor, because those that do are invaluable to me. Criticizing my sense of humor is only going to make me laugh at you, it isn’t going to poison my mind against my wacky, twisted humor. I have to live with me. I have to look in the mirror and be able to face that person day in and day out.

I wasn’t raised to worry about being liked or loved by others. I’m secure enough in myself to not need the approval of everyone around me. Sure, at least once a day it would be nice to not be insulted or told I’m wrong, or be accused of things I’ve never even thought of, leave alone committed, but that’s not MY issue and I’m not going to carry it with me any longer. I do, however, have to be true to myself.

So, Lethal Poison is back in business. This Scorpion may glow, but she’s not afraid to sting, either. You decide which side you’d like to be on. I’ll keep speaking the truth.

Vi veri universum vivus vic~ “By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.”

copyright © 2017 by Lisa Marino & Blackbird Serenity, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Brain Problems

I have exactly ONE PERSON in my life who has done the research and offered his help. Out of so many who could use their brains, my cousin chose to use his.

No, the title isn’t meant to indicate an actual health issue. Not that I’m aware of. However, Fibromyalgia Brain Fog, also commonly referred to as “Fibro Fog”, has really done a number on me this month. It was slowly progressing, but now I feel dumber than a box of rocks with twelve piles of shit on top. It’s scary, freakish, and makes me feel terrible about myself. Only another sufferer can truly understand how much pain this puts me in.

I know these are common daily occurrences for a lot of people who struggle with Fibromyalgia and other auto-immune diseases, but my incidents have been sporadic and easily managed, up until now. This weekend has pretty much brought me to my knees on the memory front. 😦

If you ask me about something from when I was two or three years old, I have complete recall of the entire moment. If you ask me why I tried putting black pepper in the freezer, I’ve got nothing. If I didn’t set the timer on the stove, I’d walk away from preparing meals and never go back (I ALWAYS set the timer, even if it’s just ten minutes, it’s loud enough to bring me back in order to focus.). I have to be 100% in whatever it is I am doing, otherwise I am going to end up cutting myself, burning myself, or forgetting what the hell I’m doing to begin with. There is nothing normal or acceptable about this.

To add insult to injury, I put notes on my phone as reminders for pretty much everything. I take this phone with me wherever I go, and yet, I still forget what the hell I’m reading and end up deleting at least 50% of the note before I’ve left most stores. It’s utterly pathetic. It’s also sad, because I’m tired of searching cabinets and the refrigerator/freezer for things I forgot to buy. I then add the missing items to next week’s list, only so the cycle can continue on in an ugly manner. I have to start each list with cat food and cat litter, otherwise it’s entirely possible I will forget one, the other, or both. This past weekend, I forgot the litter. The plus side, there’s 20 pounds of it sitting near the litter box from the weekend prior, so all I have to do is change the damn thing. The fact that I can even lift 20 pounds these days is miraculous to me. 😦

I think I would be better able to cope with this lack of brain function if I were over 75 and had achieved all of the things I set out to do with my life. I’d be able to say “Hey, I’ve lived longer than my parents. I’ve accomplished all of this. I’m simply getting older and forgetting things. It’s not the end of the world.” However, I’m nowhere near 75, not even close, and yet, my brain is suddenly turning to mush. I tried refrigerating herbs when I was cooking earlier (obviously, that’s not where they belong). As soon as I realized what I was doing, I nearly dropped all of them on the floor and burst into tears.

These incidents are made worse by the criticism of others. “Do you even have a fucking brain?”, I was asked earlier this month. “You really DO live in your own world.”, I was told the other day. These are things I’d never say out loud to someone I know is sick, leave alone healthy.

If you have someone in your life with an autoimmune disease/disorder that affects their brain function, I would like you to walk a hundred thousand miles in their shoes. I want you to spend 365 days in their body before making a single derogatory remark in their direction. Our ears are fine; we can fucking hear your offensive, rude negativity. However, if you don’t understand the illness itself, shut the fuck up. You’re not making the situation better, and how you treat someone is just as important as how you speak to them. Unfortunately, we live in a world where everyone wants respect, simply for existing, but they don’t realize their behavior is what garners respect. Moreover, we all express our feelings differently. I prefer to say a lot of things to people privately, eschewing public professions. Some people seem to have a deep-seated need for the public professions though, and it baffles me. Just because we live in a selfie-filled world doesn’t mean every single thing we want to say ought to be made public.

You can argue that by writing it, I’ve made it public, but here’s the thing; I didn’t name names. I rarely, if ever, do. I talk in code with my friends, we have our own private language, and I write in code a lot of the time, too. You get the gist of it, obviously, you just don’t have faces and names to attach to what I’m saying. It’s like reading a book. You get descriptions of characters, but you are left to your own devices as to what they might truly look like if you met them on the street.

So, even with my “brain problems”, I don’t have “writer problems”. Thank G-d and Goddess for that!

copyright © 2016 by Lisa Marino & Blackbird Serenity LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


So Many People…

“So many people cover-up things within themselves. They smile when they really need to frown. They “laugh” nervously when they are uneasy and uncomfortable. They try to make it “all right” so everything can be “perfect” and “fine.” We do this to be accepted. We do this because people guilt us into acting perfect. We fake perfection, so others don’t have to experience any unpleasant realities, because their life is just as fake as ours.

If some people came into contact with anything real, they would be shocked out of their minds. This phony life builds up inside of you until one day you erupt like a volcano, and you don’t know why. But, some people don’t explode, they implode. They fake perfect until they disappear forever and become someone else’s version of who they “should” be. Either way it’s a total loss of life. You are lost because you have not been honest with yourself, and your life is largely unexamined and unexerted. You have to do some thinking and know who you are, and then you have to resist compromising your truth for the comfort of others.

Don’t intentionally be rude, but be you. Some people will see you as an asshole because they don’t understand honesty, integrity, and honoring ones’ self. Witnessing honesty frightens some people because they haven’t known authenticity in their own life. But really, your abrasion is the rub they may need to open themselves or at least cause them to think. In a world of sleep-walkers, an awakened mind is a teacher and a catalyst for new awakenings, whether they want to be or not. A moment of truth is very powerful.

Instead of smiling to be polite, frown. Instead of laughing when you are nervous or uncomfortable, speak your truth. Instead of acting like everything is all right, proclaim it isn’t all right, and talk about your feelings! Honor your truth. Honor yourself. Be real. If you can honor yourself and be real about your discomfort and pain, then your happiness will be just as real. If you can’t be real and firm with others about who you really are, you will be doomed to a phony, plastic bullshit existence, where you only live for others. When you are real you can move through what ails you, instead of being stuck there forever in some sort of “Pleasantville” hell.” —Bryant McGill

Sisterhood Unraveled


The majority of my closest friends have been in my life for longer than most marriages last. We’re talking twenty years, on average, for each of my best friends. One, now officially former, best friend has spent the past six and a half years ignoring me. There was no disagreement between us, we’ve never had a legitimate fight. Absolutely nothing occurred to warrant her going radio silent. This, however, is her behavior whenever a new man enters her life. It’s utterly baffling, and such an immense turn-off that she truly believes she can come and go in the friendship as she pleases. I’m a person; not a revolving door at a hotel or airport! It’s unacceptable behavior. So, I’m going to write my feelings out of my system today. I’ve never blatantly outed a friend in such a manner, but it’s time to light a Yarhzeit candle to the friendship. For now it is time to remember, and move on.

Here’s a fact about me: When I’m done, I’m truly DONE. I find it sad that after all this time, she doesn’t know me well enough to know that I will cut her out of my life permanently. She doesn’t seem to realize that I will exterminate her like a fucking termite. She’s gotten far too comfortable in the friendship, and has forgotten what loyalty and true friendship are, and for that, there’s simply no forgiveness left in me. From here on out, I will refer to this person as Two-Face.

Two-Face and I became instant best friends from almost the first encounter. We said the same things, thought a lot of the same things, had a similar sense of humor, liked nearly all of the same things, and she stood up to people who challenged my role in her life many times. We were thick as thieves; always laughing hysterically for hours on end. She called me her sister, often saying I was closer to her in life than her own sister could ever be. It certainly seemed that way, because her sister isn’t anywhere near as good to her as I was from day one, but apparently she forgives her sister damn near anything and has an extremely short fucking memory. I’m more like an elephant. I might forget that I left tea in the kitchen for two hours, allowing it to brew too long and go bitter, but I do not forget the long-term. In fact, it’s all so sharp and clear, it’s eerie.

For me, referring to any friend as family is the highest compliment I can pay someone because I don’t consider my own relatives “true family” most of the time, except for those who actually stand by me, as opposed to doing so merely when it is convenient for them. I have family that will call me family when they please, as opposed to daily. That doesn’t fly with me, which is precisely why none of those people are my true family. I share bloodlines with them, but beyond that? Nothing. I would not give them a bodily organ if they needed it and I was the only match on the planet; I’d give it to the stranger whose family needed them instead. Through time, they’ve shown me how little they value me, so why should I hold them in high regard?

It’s important to be careful how you treat your friends. Friendship is a delicate thing. It can wax and wane like the moon, but it can also grow stronger daily. My best friends, those who’ve never left, seem to know me better than she does. I often thought she & I were closer, not just logistically speaking, but because we shared such a daily chunk of each other’s lives that the others often miss out on. I was wrong.

I have never dropped a friend for a man, or for another relationship. Not ever. I might be happier, perhaps a lot more playful and silly, but my friends play a significant role in my life. I do not exclude them simply because I am in a relationship. I don’t ditch them for months or years at a time, as if they are toys to be placed in a drawer and taken out when I choose. I find that disrespectful, and incredibly unhealthy. I am at my healthiest when I have my girls to turn to no matter what, because I’m genuinely a Girl’s Girl to the core. Women supporting other women, in good and bad times, is a remarkable thing. It is something I respect wholeheartedly. Don’t get me wrong; I will tell someone they’re wrong when they’re wrong, regardless of gender. I have absolutely no qualms about letting people know I have boundaries and human emotions, but I’d never intentionally hurt a friend. If you do something once and you ask for forgiveness; it’s a mistake. We all make mistakes, no one is perfect. If you repeatedly do something ugly; it’s a pattern and a choice. I do not have to accept choices that are continuously hurtful. I have enough issues; I don’t need my friends to emotionally cut me to pieces, nor will I allow it.

Two-Faced, now on marriage number three (Which, at the point, means you shouldn’t even bother. Unless you have children together, are planning on having children, or it’s for insurance purposes, that piece of paper is clearly ridiculous. That’s my OPINION, but I also know her so well that I know the second the relationship crumbles, she will be back at my feet, begging for forgiveness. Her absence will be blamed on HIM, not on HER.), was married when we first became friends. Her husband was utterly lovely…and she treated him like shit. My first impression was that it showed strength (No, I don’t think it’s okay to treat your partner like shit. I did not see it for what it was initially.), but over time I realized they never should have gotten married, that they only did so out of family pressure. They didn’t want the same things. They grew apart. When she called to tell me they were divorcing, I was heartbroken for her, and very protective. They stayed together for a period of time to get their finances in order, and parted ways amicably. They didn’t have any children, so it was a clean break. It was harder for their families than it was for them, because her family loved him and his family loved her. I’ll give her one thing; she’s great at fooling people.

She moved to another city and immediately started dating. He was re-married to someone else quickly after they were divorced, and was expecting his first child. She’d disappear for short periods of time between boyfriends. It was utterly obnoxious, and I’d never seen this side of her before. I started filtering myself in regard to my own relationships because I was somehow able to manage more than one person in my life at a time, never making excuses. I could keep my friends, be a part of my family, AND keep a guy in my life, without issue. Why was this such a problem for her?! In fairness, I’d soon discover it was a problem for a lot of women, and to this day, I will NEVER be able to wrap my mind around that. Relationships come and go, they’re not etched in stone, but friends should be forever. Where are you in life without at least one true friend?


She came to visit me at one point and was an absolute bitch for roughly 85% of the visit. Perhaps I should be ranking that at a higher percentage. I had the hardest time not knocking her teeth out, because I’d be appalled if I ever behaved that way toward a friend, especially in their home, and worse, several times in front of their family. Nothing was good enough for her, but in actuality I know that she was acting out, which is sad because by doing so, she ruined much of the time we spent together. When a major snowstorm hit the day before she was supposed to leave, resulting in approximately a foot and a half of snow, you would have thought I’d caused it by her behavior and attitude towards me. I had paid for her plane ticket and treated her like family; and in turn, soon after the visit, she didn’t speak to me for almost a year. I was utterly THRILLED when I dropped her off at the airport. Her behavior was SO awful that I honestly didn’t care if I ever saw her again. After 9/11, she e-mailed me to make sure that my family & I were safe. Our friendship resumed at that point, she seemed genuinely remorseful. “It’ll never happen again, Lisa. I honestly don’t know how I survive without you.” Whatever.

Maybe six months after flying out to visit her, she stopped speaking to me once again. I called her at work one day, after she’d been ignoring me for weeks, because my mother was in the hospital and I didn’t think she was going to live. I was devastated and needed my best friend to talk to me down off a ledge. She actually got on the phone and told me “I have problems of my own, I don’t have time for yours!” and hung up on me. In hindsight, I NEVER should have allowed her back into my life after that move. I should have ripped her to shreds, but I didn’t. My mistake, because that won’t ever happen again.

Maybe the following year I got a letter explaining that she’d hit a rough patch soon after I left, and decided to move back home to be closer to her family, and again, the friendship resumed with her, once again, pleading for forgiveness. “It’ll never happen again, Lisa. I swear.”

But it did.She never truly apologized for anything, not once. 

She met husband number two, who was moved in very quickly (She should get U-Haul discounts on how quickly she moves men into and out of her life. I’ve never seen anything like it. Why can’t you just date like a normal person?!), and this guy hated me. He didn’t want her talking to me, and he didn’t want me visiting. She claims he made her choose between us, and we’d lose three years of friendship to a marriage where I am almost certain of his verbal abuse, but even more certain that the abused became the abuser. I feel she’s always had that in her; and I am sure that is why her first husband moved on so quickly to someone who was so drastically different in every way. Poor guy dodged one hell of a bullet! 😦

Her relationships are what they are. It’s her searching for love in all of the wrong places, because, despite being eternally selfish to her core, she does not have the capacity to truly love anyone, not even herself. She puts on a good show though, an Academy Award worthy performance, but it’s all incredibly fake. She is, in essence, the Phantom of The Opera in his mask. So filled with self-doubt and internal torment, the mask is a shield to keep people at bay, to hold everyone at arm’s length, until it suits her to get closer. She’d openly deny this, because she is so blinded, she cannot clearly see herself. I find it sad.

At her best, she believes she’s a decent person and wants to be better and grow, but she always gets in her own way. I’ve been friends with her long enough to see the good, the bad, and the ugly, so I am certain her relationship with me was borne out of needing someone stronger in her life to be friends with, because she has no other true friends who’ve seen it all with her. She has people she works with who only ever see the mask, but I’ve seen the pain. I’ve seen the roots, and I understand them, but I do not accept the fact that while she believes she’s “grown”, she’s truly still at square one. Other people who’ve gotten close have crossed boundaries and felt her wrath. There’s a reason I’m referring to her as Two-Face. It disturbs me that she can have two completely different sides to her and not own it. I know I have both darkness and light within me, and I am very open about that, but I am NOT two-faced. I am the same person at all times. I will always apologize if I’m brusque or bitchy without cause. Always. Sometimes I don’t hear how I sounded until 1-3 days later, but I’d rather apologize and own it than pretend to be something, or someone, I’m not. She thinks she’s the same way, but she most definitely is not.

Several years ago, I wrote her a letter and let her know precisely how I felt about the friendship and what she’d done/was doing to it. It took me almost a year to write it without being vicious, so even now, I’m trying to not be batshit crazy over how I’ve been treated. I laid it all out for her, and told her that this was unacceptable behavior, and that I knew for a fact she’d never allow me to treat her this way, so why was it acceptable for her to treat me so horribly? I even said we’ve never fought or argued, and that neither of us had done anything unforgivable (up to that point). I said it was all about communicating openly and honestly with each other, which we’d always done. I told her if she wanted out of the friendship, she need only say so.

However, here I sit six and a half years later and I find, I’m the one who wants out. I’m DONE. I was never anything but an amazing friend to her; loyal, devoted, present, caring, and generous. I loaned her money when she went through a couple of horrible years and had trouble making ends meet. I wanted to help her and keep her safe during that time because her family was refusing to do so (most especially, her sister, who is apparently a saint now.). I didn’t expect to be paid back, but when I think about the fact that it’s somewhere between $10,000-$15,000 owed, I do find myself wanting that money back. She always promised it would be paid back because it was a LOAN and not a gift. There’s a difference in the phrasing. I would already have sued her for it, if the state she resides in allowed people to be sued for small claims. It doesn’t, and I think we can all safely agree that the number is definitely NOT a “small claim”. I would even accept installment payments at this point. Unlike running out on a credit card; I am a human-being and I deserve to be paid back. I don’t care how you treat a billion dollar business, but I DO care how you treat me, the loyal friend who has stood by you when others, including your own family, have walked away or stepped back.

We were sisters, and I was always there for her no matter what. She didn’t just unravel the sisterhood, she broke it. She continued to hammer away at it until I said “Enough!” When I wrote that letter, I let her know it wasn’t an ultimatum, but that I wasn’t going to hold on to how I felt and allow it to continue to hurt me. She e-mailed me a month later and said she’d read the letter multiple times and would e-mail me in a few weeks after she thought things over. I never heard from her again. Knowing her; she lost the letter in her many moves since receiving it, and didn’t have the guts to get back in contact with me and face the issue. She can’t say she doesn’t have my e-mail address because I’ve had the same primary e-mail address for over ten years. Her cowardly behavior is another strike against her. You don’t let things slide and not apologize. It once took me eight years to apologize to a friend for potentially hurting her, but I apologized, and the apology was accepted. The friendship did not resume because, much like Two-Face, this person could not maintain a marriage, a family life, and a best friend. Apparently it requires a really high I.Q., multiple doctorates, and/or maybe some special gift I’m unaware of. I do NOT understand it, and I’m done trying to.

I hold many titles with ease, and Grace. Daughter, Granddaughter, Niece, Sister, Best Friend, Friend, Cousin, Writer, Editor. I hope to add other titles to that list, and I’m certain I left a few out because I’m focused on what I have to say, but my point is, I do maintain each title. I am still my parent’s only daughter and my Grandparent’s only Granddaughter, even in their physical absences. Two of my Grandparents have a second Granddaughter, and for that I apologize to them because she’s an embarrassment on every level as a human-being. I am my Aunt’s only niece and my brother’s only sister. I’m a best friend and friend AT ALL TIMES, not when it is convenient to be so. I try to be there for my cousins because I choose to have relationships with them, even when they’re not ideal relationships, even when the other person is difficult and makes me sorry I bother. I make an EFFORT. I’m imperfect, and in that imperfection, I am unique and solid.

When I think about Two-Face I am reminded of good times, of laughter, of travels, of so many hilarious moments and shared thoughts and secrets. I will take her secrets to the grave, but I will not allow her to harm me any further. She is the only person who, in the role of a friend, managed to turn something unbreakable into something broken. Her deep desire for self-destruction isn’t going to take me down with her. She is sitting somewhere now, possibly believing that she ended the friendship on her terms or that the revolving door with remain revolving, perhaps not even giving it a second thought. Ultimately, I am the one cutting her off and out. Permanently. I am not going to be vicious or vengeful. I am not going to allow myself to feel the hurt, anger, or utter betrayal a second longer than I already have. This, however, will take time; for I’m so angry as I write this, I’m shaking.

I am not going to cut myself off from who I am as a person, and what I have to offer others. I am going to continue being myself. I will continue to be intuitive and mindful of new people. I won’t allow anyone in my life when there are red flags of warning. I’m not going to stop being a loyal, damn fine friend to people. I am not going to allow this to turn me into a bitch, or allow myself to think that I deserve to be treated like that. I know better.

Friendships aren’t gifted to us so that we may irrevocably damage and break them. They are gifted to us in order to support us through thick and thin, and they are indeed a gift because true friendship is so unbelievably rare. I realize I am a rarity in how I handle my relationships with others. No matter how bad my life may be, and believe me when I say that it isn’t easy, I’d prefer to continue being the kind of friend I’ve always been to people.

She may have hurt me, but she did not break me. She did not win a damn fucking thing. When all is said and done, she will be as alone as she was when she came into my life; a broken child in need of a place where she belonged. I gave her that, and I never judged. I’m still not judging, but I am saying “No more.” I’m placing a wall made of concrete and steel between her and I from here on in. She can get through electronically, providing I deign to open an e-mail from her, but she cannot reach my heart or soul ever again.

There’s only so much damage I’ll allow. Breaking the bonds of sisterhood is on the list of “ultimate betrayals” for any female friend. She was given the choice to repair the damage, and instead, she chose something else instead of realizing she could have both. She chose selfishness. I am not selfish. In fact, on many levels we are polar opposites. Perhaps that is why our friendship was so incredibly close and was then twisted into something ugly by her. She doesn’t know that there’s no going back, that my ability to accept is gone. I feel sorry for her. She always comes back, but this time, she has no idea who the other person is that she’ll be faced with. I’ve changed for the better. Once I cut you off, there’s nothing you can say or do to get back in. Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice and you’d better find another planet to reside on.

Interestingly enough, the last time I was this done with a person; it was a man. He’s in town this weekend and all I can think is “Motherfucker, don’t you DARE darken my door.” That I’d put them both into the same category today is interesting, because that’s how she & I became friends.

Never Again. Done means done. Friendship is an ultimate strength, NOT a weakness. Other people have stepped up in your absence and replaced you; something I once thought would be unheard of. Stick that in your bitch pipe and smoke it.

May life provide you with precisely what and who you deserve. I am off to light a candle and say my goodbyes. If you get in touch, expect a fucking bill.

copyright © 2016 by Lisa Marino & Blackbird Serenity LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


When We Turn Around

“When we turn around & come face to face with our destiny, we discover that words (spoken) are not enough. I know so many people who are brilliant speakers but are quite incapable of practicing what they preach. It’s one thing to describe a situation & quite another to experience it.

I realized a long time ago that a warrior in search of his dream must take his inspiration from what he actually does & not from what he imagines himself doing.” ―Paulo Coelho