Wound Up, Fucked Up, and Everything In Between

The days and weeks have, unfortunately, blown by. Many have been incredibly unkind. I rarely know what day it is anymore. But today, it dawned on me how long it had been since I’d updated. I am not going to apologize, because it’ll sound like a broken record. None of us wants this. It’s annoying, and it can seem disingenuous.

The past few months have been unexpectedly hard on me. So much seemed to be heading in the right direction, and the crash took me, not by surprise, but it’s made me feel like the victim of multiple assaults via vehicle. That’s only a small part of how I feel.

Pain from my hands to my toes. From my head, up. My entire body has been, “off”, for lack of a better term. At times, the issues I’ve been having and the pain have been so bad, I’ve prayed for my death. All I want is quality of life, and I am constantly being told, NO.

For example, I met a new pain specialist last month who had nothing to offer except x-rays of my neck and lower lumbar spine (To see what everything looks like now. After verifying that I NEVER had a pinched nerve, despite being treated for one; twice!), a mild muscle relaxer which I can take long-term, and a list of treatment methods I’ve already done. I was fed up, mostly because I felt like my appointment took forever. My handwriting wasn’t even legible on the forms I filled out, except for my signature (Yes, I have a real one.).

Despite what this woman rambled on about, I am not stupid enough to do physical and aqua therapy for the next 2 to 5 years of my life before she will act on my pain. What’s worse? She made herself into the victim for having to do some paperwork. REALLY?! I’m in pain 24/7, it is getting increasingly worse, but I should feel bad for her because she gets paid half a million dollars a year to do her fucking job? NO. No fucking way! It was one of the worst attitudes I’ve encountered in a while, and it reminded me why I try to handle all of this without medical intervention. Each new doctor insults me, says or does something completely disrespectful, and/or inappropriate. I expected nothing, and that’s pretty much what I got.

I walked out that day and had no tolerance left for the constant medical gaslighting. I will have the x-rays done ASAP. I will not see this doctor again. I can read the x-ray report myself, and communicate by phone. I will request a new referral to a different pain clinic at a completely different hospital. I spent more time with the intern, who really took the time to get to know me and my history, than I did with the doctor who walked in with a, “There’s nothing I can do for you.” attitude. What bugged me the most was the intern telling me I am still a competitive athlete, and I “can power through this.” Intractable, chronic pain is not something you, “power through” when you aren’t sleeping, can’t do 95% of what you would like to do, and your pain has worsened exponentially in the past year, alone. Sitting is the only time I am semi-comfortable. Sleeping is painful. Walking isn’t always possible. Sudden movement? Not a good idea.

As I write this, I have severe contusions from getting blood work done. My left forearm is deep black, blue, and purple, a vein which produced so little blood, the phlebotomist said it would be disposed of (Lovely! Go on and waste what little I’ve got!). My right hand is a full blown bruise encompassing the entire top of my hand down to my knuckles in lovely shades of red, blue, black, and purple, swollen, and this was just for two vials. What’s worse? My results are confusing. Despite supplementing, eating foods high in vitamin D, and actually being in more direct sunlight than usual this summer, I am once again D deficient. This means two plus months of high-dose supplementation. Ultimately, this also means more testing. Something is wrong, and I can’t figure out precisely what it is just yet. Not without additional answers. This will include a full genetic screening to find out what the hell is going on. If I go missing, I am overbuying Gatorade, coconut water, bottled water, and mushroom elixir (Check out my Instagram page for updates on that!). I started the year off with jasmine rice, egg noodles, and homemade chicken soup. Looks like I will end it in similar fashion.

Summer is officially over on the 23rd, thank G-d! I am looking forward to Fall weather, but not the actual fact that 2023 blew by in a whirlwind of illness, unanswered questions, trying to be strong, suffering, lots of needles, nearly going into complete brain and body meltdown, and my constantly wondering why the medical community hates their patients. I am the perfect example of doctors going against the Hippocratic Oath. They are doing harm. One doctor numbed the back of my head so badly early this year, that she managed to numb my bladder. It’s been close to five months, and I am still experiencing side effects. Just ponder that for a moment, because she completely forgot to tell me it was a possibility.

The Jewish holidays are also approaching, with Rosh Hashanah beginning on the evening of the 15th. I intend to be as low-key as humanly possible for all of the holidays. I will be focusing solely on my health for the remainder of this year, as well as the manuscript I have been hard at work on, along with fun projects I’ve got in the pipeline, which are being held up from a legal perspective, as opposed to procrastination or any kind of laziness on my part. It will all work itself out, this much I know. I (finally!) will meet with a new primary care doctor this Fall, so here’s hoping I do get some answers before I’m old and grey.

For today, that’s my update. Sleepless, writing my ass off, and trying to be present when all I can truly say is, this year has been a fucked up nightmare. Here’s to pulling myself out of it and finding the proper path.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

copyright © 2012-2023 by Lisa Marino & Poison In Lethal Doses, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Poison In Lethal Doses®™ is a registered trademark.

Modern Medicine Fails People With Chronic Pain


This is not dissimilar to stories I have heard and things I have personally experienced from age eight into adulthood.

This story is adapted from The Song of Our Scars: The Untold Story of Pain, by Haider Warraich.

Chronic Insomnia & Trying To Combat Terrorism

I only have a few days to recalibrate before I have to force myself to function like a “normal” human-being. I can’t exactly walk into multiple doctor’s appointments and fall asleep, though that might help the message sink in for some of them. I’ve been trying so hard and today I failed. Epically. I hardly even know what day it is. All I know is that I was in bed last night by 8:45 PM. I was up after 2:00 a.m. due to pain and my cats waking me up, all upset. I couldn’t get the pain to calm down, so I waited for lidocaine and a muscle relaxer to kick in. Once they did, I was out like a light, and I stayed that way. That’s the most disturbing part; I remained asleep and would not have woken up without having a twelve pound cat jumping up onto my head, then to the floor, then back up. She finally made an alarming sound which jolted me awake, and I found myself feeding my cats and trying to figure out who/what/when/where/why and how. I still feel shaky and out of it. Then I saw the news, and I was sick to my stomach.

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. But I’m also sick of the violence directed towards Israeli citizens. Yes, it’s the only Jewish state in the world, but it is also home to Christians, Druze, Muslims, and people of other faiths. Every year, during Ramadan, Arabs attack in completely unprovoked ways and they kill people. Whether they themselves live or die, their families are then paid for the rest of their lives as long as a Jew was killed. That’s YOUR tax dollars, no matter where you live, paying a terrorist and their family. How does that make you feel? Are you sitting in comfort over your vote(s)?

For me, I don’t judge based on party affiliations. It isn’t my business and I don’t feel that politics should decide who my friends are, or aren’t, but the murdering of truly innocent people? Yes, that’s my business because those are my people. I would love to see the reaction of people all over the world if Jews suddenly took to the streets with guns, knives, swords, and other illegal weapons and just started taking people out. Here’s the truth; THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN. We’re civilized. We value life. We don’t have “Pay For Slay” programs, because we aren’t sick bastards. We are not evil. Let’s face it; terrorists are evil and they have no religion.

My prayers are with the city of Tel Aviv and those who lost loved ones and have injured loved ones. My prayers are with every single person who had to check in with family to make sure they were safe. Thirteen Israelis have been murdered in less than two weeks, and all I am seeing from the people I know is silence. It makes me question so much about people who claim to be activists or to care about humanity at large. You’ve chosen to leave certain groups out of your activism. That’s selective racism. I am paying attention.

While news comes in from those I know who ARE speaking up, I will experience another night as a chronic insomniac. Worrying about family and friends in so many different countries, all at once, is shattering. I’ll be close to my phone, hoping and praying for news that doesn’t kill more of my soul. Perhaps I’ll even get some work done, and yes, it might be the “too personal” kind, but certain things need to be said and I’ll be damned if I don’t speak up.

Setting my personal health issues aside, of which I’ll have to face some of them next week; I am a writer. I will always be a writer. It just so happens that this time around, the writer is pissed off. Never piss off a writer. We’ve got a way with words. Well, some of us, any way.

copyright © 2022 by Lisa Marino & Poison In Lethal Doses, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Poison In Lethal Doses®™ is a registered trademark.

Slow, Agonizing Death

This tweet could not be more accurate.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been dealing with daily, intense migraines. The app I use actually reminded me that I’ve had a migraine for over sixteen days straight. I don’t normally get them for weeks at a time any more, so my head, face, jaw, spine, and neck HURT. These types of migraines normally stem from rapid barometric pressure changes, and they can really screw with me from a functioning standpoint. Add in proximity to the ocean, and I am in trouble.

In two weeks, I go in for nerve blocks to try and get some relief from all of this. Each block goes into the current pain locations from my face right into my cervical spine. This will only be my second time getting them, but the high chance that the lidocaine will be out of my system in twenty minutes or less is disturbing. Using topical lidocaine patches has proven utterly useless. 😦

To add insult to injury, I MUST find a new primary care physician and hope that my pain can finally be properly diagnosed and addressed. There’s a strong likelihood the rheumatologist I saw misdiagnosed me. His misdiagnosis rate is about 90%, or higher, and my pain has since switched from full body pain (which is still present), to excruciating pain in my joints, especially my jaw, elbows, right hip flexor, ankles, hands, and every damn bone in my feet. I am legitimately too young for this much torture. Every day of my life is a negotiation in survival. I know I am not alone in this, but it certainly feels like I am. The more pain I’m in, the more my mental health declines. It is a depressing, vicious cycle.