The Pharmaceutical Industry


I say this as someone who has had to fight for mediation many times, and as the sister of someone who was put on an $8000 a month drug that the insurance refused to cover. Today, they finally approved a much-needed drug for my brother’s life. He will, hopefully, be released from the hospital tomorrow. They hospital refused to discharge him until the pharmacy could assure them the medication would be ready, Fingers crossed this helps his quality of life. He nearly died last week. 😦

Will You See An Actual Doctor The Next Time You Go To The Doctor?

If your insurance pays for you to see the doctor, and it’s a serious issue, DEMAND your appointment be with the doctor. Mine is booked six months in advance and I’m an established patient, so I’ve decided the best thing to do is find a new doctor who doesn’t tell her nurse she’s too busy to deal with me and I can see anyone else. Mind you, she said it in Spanish and the nurse tried to make it sound nicer. It wasn’t nice.