Thank You, Netflix

Thank you, Netflix for standing in solidarity with the Jewish community against the hate being leveled at us.

It is important for all streaming services and mainstream television and film studios to speak up against hate. I have seen it done for so many other communities which have been targeted by hate over the past few years. For those who are criticizing Netflix, I kindly say, FUCK OFF.

The increase in AntiSemitism, hate crimes, violence, and anti-Zionism is at the highest levels in nearly one hundred years. It’s hit levels which match the pogroms which began before the Nazi regime. Certain people are calling for Jewish blood in the streets; death threats are a constant. If you have ignored these reports or live in a bubble, then you are living with a sense a privilege my communities cannot afford.

I represent the Jewish, Asian, and Latino communities simply by existing, and more so because I use my voice when these communities are attacked in any way, shape, or form. I appreciate receiving support from a company like Netflix, which I have personally supported for the past five years.

For those who are demanding they support different issues, I want to speak up and say; They already have. They have not picked and chosen. They have made many statements against hate and then increased programming for that community. No other streaming service has done this.

If this post bothers you, don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.

The Devil Within

Apparently I’ve shared this song before, but it’s too good to pass up at the moment.

I forget, at times, that I began on WordPress nine years ago. In that time, shows have begun and ended, etc. Pretty Little Liars is one of the only shows I’ve watched from start to finish multiple times, and still found little things I’d previously missed.

It is a very easy series of books to get through, and it’s oddly relatable, even as an adult. I read about half of them long before the show hit the air in 2010, and I remember how the last one ended. It was left open-ended, and I remember thinking how easily it could become a story again up the road. While a different version of the show is currently filming, nothing compares to the original. They will be hard-pressed to come up with better music, too.

Be Patient. Be Present. Be Grateful.

Today I want to express my gratitude to, and for, my best friend. It’s her birthday and I would not survive from year-to-year without her support, absolute dedication to our friendship, and her unconditional love. She is the most amazing, talented, kind, caring person who is so devoted to family and friends. She has an amazing heart. I am so grateful to not only have her as my sister, but to have her as a true best friend. I thank G-d for blessing me (and the world) with her existence. She is my compass and constant Girl’s Girl. As I told her the other day, WE ARE A TEAM.

Life is as long as it is short, and we NEED real friends in our corner. Relationships come and go. We lose people along the way. It’s a vicious cycle, and many of us have more in common than we realize. No matter how many demons or dragons I have to slay, I know she’s got my back with a fresh sword, and that means everything to me.

Happy birthday, Shan-Shan. Love you.